
This blog is an open window to the future and the world. Mjoy is about me, my thought and my dreams in the search of enjoying life.

Sunday, 18 January 2009

Meditational exhibition

We opened the door and steped in. In the same second we got surrounded of an atmosphere filled with calm and peace. A relaxing background sound meeting the ears in a driping way at the same time my eyes take in the sight of a glimery water feeling reflecting up on a big screen on the other side of the room.

The most of the room is filled with water, full of brightly-coloured carps swiming around in the smooth and still world. It's one spotlight shining up the place. With strong intensity it focus down to the middle of the water where you can see the carps playing around.
In the other end of the room you have the screen picking up the reflections from the light meeting the water surface. And everytime any one of the carps touch at the surface it gives us a direct reaction and a new nice pattern shows up and moves around in the reflected area on the screen.
A couple of times you could see the timing between the music in the background and the movement of the Carps. When they thoutch the surface in the exact right time and strength to create a movement in the pattern on the screen that growing stronger in the same rate as the music. Impressive...
Have just been visiting a very nice exhitition. A meditational meeting between me and "Taptim" made of the artist Frerik Wretman, that you can see on Färgfabriken here in Österund for the moment.

It's a meeting with nature in a humen made world, a meeting between something organic in a way that leads to something that gives a feeling of digital creation.

So nice, and very interesting...an yet so simple.

If you have the chans you should see it with your own eyes. It's impossible to recreate in words.
In other case you maybe can see a gleam of it in one of SolSkuggas comming musicvideos, where she is going to work with that as a background. That going to be an interesting combination. Looking forward to see it.

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