
This blog is an open window to the future and the world. Mjoy is about me, my thought and my dreams in the search of enjoying life.

Tuesday, 27 January 2009

Find your glow

Some times I wonder what it is that makes the difference. But I know it does in someway. Your mind and your mental state makes a difference in how people see you, your look and your personality.

It affect you and the movement around you. How people treats you, and how you see your self. How much you manage in time and energy. One thing leads to another.

Days when you feel that the world lays under your feet. You just are happy in your self, doing things you like, and belive in that good things are going to happend. Those days gives you an extra energy. It's like it's spreads in the air around us. That the aura grows and almost make us shiny.

To find a way to live, where you can have days that gives this energy. That should be so much worth, for one and all of us. Of course you probably have some better days and some worse. That's probably impossible to get away from. But it's too many people that don't have any of this days any more. And I refuse to believe that it has to be like that, that people can't start to shine again.

And when a individual are there it's usualy an contagious thing. The movement that starts around them is usualy not only good things happening them personaly. It's also like they sending away loaded electrons to the people they meet. And some of the recipients merge with it for a moment, and it tries to open the looked door to the inner rooms. But then it's up to the recipient to make the choice and the work. Because no one can do it or find it for you. That you have to do for your self.

And nor do I belive that all people can find this energy in the same way. Why should all people be in need of the same things, be happy of the same things or dream about the same things? We are individuals! And I belive that makes a big difference for each of us in which needs we realy have, and what we need to find.

Don't forget the reality, but try to find YOUR way to YOUR energy and your own happiness. It is out there somewhere...

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