
This blog is an open window to the future and the world. Mjoy is about me, my thought and my dreams in the search of enjoying life.

Tuesday, 16 December 2008

about 4 in the morning

I sitting in my bed once again, surfing around through the night hours unable to let my poor eyes and body fall in to rest. For every minute passing by the whole me gets more restless, feels that I should had and need to fall asleep. But when you have start turning the hours around, it difficoult to turn them back without a whip over your back.

So I at least tryed to make something out of the time. Surfing around on blogs about economy, networking and freedom. And also started to see some video clips from speaches. And I stubled over this one.

If the videclip don't work, you find it at http://www.ted.com/index.php/talks/rives_on_4_a_m.html

I just have to say, exapt for that he is a very good and funny speaker. I also thought about the title of the speach "Is 4 a.m. the new midnight?"
Good question. In my world it absoulutey could. At midnight as it is now, it's usualy more of evening time for me. But I know it's not for all. My poor brother almost has to walk up when I go to sleep. But at the same time I know it's people that has even more time differences then me. I belive the ryth of time got more conplicated and confused since we got electricity and don't need to live life the light hours on the day. Although I'm ofcourse not one of them that can say anything about the time before that.

But now the time is stumbling against the macig 4 a.m. and I should realy try to get some sleep...

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