
This blog is an open window to the future and the world. Mjoy is about me, my thought and my dreams in the search of enjoying life.

Friday, 6 February 2009

What is logic

Usualy I like logical problems. I have got to know that I'm not to bad of logical thinking in different ways. To see patterns in IQ tests is quite fun, and usualy not too hard if it wasent for the time pressure sometimes.

And logical thinking is something that can be needed in many situations in life.

I have so many times heard that computers is logical. They can't do anything them self, but just what they have been told. And they follow it in a logical way. Hmmm, but I don't know if I want to agree totaly any more.

Yes, I know programming is very logic. That's probably why I like it. And I know computers are programmed. But somewhere along the way something have to happend. I think it happends so much strange things in the computers, they have an own life. I just haven't figure out who, how and where it all comes alive. Someone haveing any clue to give me?

Untill then I probably have to go on with my own small wars against the non logical happenings in the world of "logical" computers.

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