
This blog is an open window to the future and the world. Mjoy is about me, my thought and my dreams in the search of enjoying life.

Wednesday, 18 March 2009

More footprints in heart and mind

And then it was the second day in row I have seen a movie that leaves a footprint. Has seen the Swedish movie “Män som hatar kvinnor” (= Men that hates women or as the international title is “The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo”). I got totally stuck in it when I read the books for some time ago now. Amazingly good written story, if I may say. And as usual when seeing a movie where I first read the book, I can just hope that it stand up to my own pictures and shows that has been playing in my mind simultaneous with reading the story. And of course everything wasn’t the same, but I was not at all disappointed.

Yesterday evening I also had read the blog from SolSkugga that she wrote after she had seen it. And she writes about how the movie hits her heart, and how she wonder if others see the real pain in the girls that meet the wrong men out there in the reality too.

And I kept it in mind, took it with me to the cinema. And then it wasn’t only a good thriller I saw. It was also a reminder about that it is a lot of things happening behind the doors out there. And that all people we meet have their story to carry, even if they show it or not. It is a part of what has made us to who we are as persons even if we want it or not.

But how much can we do for it. We can try to be there for people we know, if a disaster hits them. We can try to not turn our blind eyes for what happening around us. But can we handle to bear the burden of the sick society we live in?

I don’t mean that it happening terrible things behind every door. I don’t mean that all men treat women (or other men for that matter either) badly, definitely not. But it happens. And I just can’t understand how a person with own will can hurt another human, neither physically, mentally or emotionally, and then be able to meet the other person’s eyes and still go on with their lives.

What can we do? Were can we start? Who can we help?
I don’t know, but I do try to care.

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